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CBRN Filtration Systems

We Provide a Wide Range of Air Filtration & Ventilation Systems for Shelters, Bunkers and Protected Spaces

Atmas bietet eine große Auswahl an ABC-Luftfiltersystemen und anderen Lösungen für Schutz-, Industrie- und Gewerbeanwendungen. Unsere fortschrittlichen, zertifizierten und kosteneffizienten Lösungen sind in Zehntausenden von Zivilschutzbunkern, Regierungs- und Industrieanlagen, privaten Bunkern und Schutzräumen sowie anderen Anwendungen auf der ganzen Welt installiert.

Wir bieten eine umfassende Auswahl an Lösungen für Einrichtungen jeder Größe, angefangen von kleinen privaten Schutzräumen bis hin zu sehr großen Großeinrichtungen für Tausende von Personen.

Offer for CBRN Filtration Systems and Component

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SAFE 360 system is a compact, advanced and certified chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN/NBC) air filtration system especially designed for installation in small size residential shelters, bunkers, safe rooms, containers and protected spaces for providing fresh filtered air into protected space in emergency situations.

Arconik NBC CO2 filters 400

A wide selection of standard and custom made filters for air filtration and ventilation systems of civil defense shelters, industrial facilities and other applications that comply with requirements of various international civil defense standards.​ Such filters can be used for a wide spectrum of purposes like filtering the air nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) materials and particles, toxic industrial chemicals (TIC), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), dust and more.

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ARC series include ARC 100, ARC 180, ARC 240, ARC 300, ARC 450, ARC 600, ARC 900, ARC 1200, ARC 1800 systems. ARC type systems are advanced, professional and certified chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN/NBC) air filtration systems especially designed for installation in civil defence shelters, bunkers and protected spaces for providing fresh filtered air into protected space in emergency situations.

Blast doors in shelter airlock

Blast valves are normally open valves which allows the air freelly passing through them and in case of blast wave pressure automatically closes to prevent the blast wave entering the internal space. Overpressure valves are normally closed valves which are used for regulation of differential pressure in the shelter. Gas tight (shut-off) valves are designed to block or control the airflow in the air duct. 

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Wall Sleeves, Gastight Duct and other Components

Ducting consists of air piping required for connection of different components like valves, blowers, and filters and more. 

Wall sleeves are specially designed pipes with flanges for installation of valves or ducting to the walls. We provide variety of sleeves specially designed as per applications (internal walls/external walls) and approved as per different standards ranging from 4″ diameter to 32” diameter.

CBRN Filtration Systems - General​


NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) / CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) / TIC (Toxic Industrial Chemicals) air filtration systems are designed to provide fresh filtered from contaminants and particles air into protected spaces for creating a toxic free area (TFA).

Depending on their purpose and integrated filters such systems can filter different war or industrial gases and chemicals, biological particles like viruses and bacteria, radiological and nuclear particles and materials, as well as coarse and fine dust and more.Integrated into the systems filters define what kind of gases and particles the filter can filter/adsorb. The filters usually have to meet the requirements of different civil defense standards or can be specially designed to meet specific purposes. As an example, in nuclear power plants and nearly located facilities commonly there are requirements for additional Iodine adsorption capabilities of the filters. ​NBC filtration systems can be installed together with air handling units (AHU) in large shelters to distribute the air correctly to all parts of the shelters and prevent concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and maintain correct levels of oxygen (O2) in all rooms and parts of the shelter. In smaller shelters the air can be distributed by the system itself with support of air duct and placement of overpressure valves.​For shelters, bunkers and facilities that can be operated in isolation mode systems air regeneration systems need to be added – carbon dioxide (CO2) removal systems (scrubbers) and compressed air/oxygen (O2) supply systems for maintaining required levels of CO2, O2 and overpressure. 

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