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ARC Series - CBRN Filtration and Ventilation Systems for Different Sizes of Shelters, Bunkers and Protected Spaces 

ARC series systems are advanced, professional and certified CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) air filtration and ventilation systems designed for installation in different sizes of protected spaces like shelters, bunkers, strategic facilities and other for providing fresh filtered air and creation of protected environment in the intended area.

ARC series includes ARC 100, ARC 180, ARC 240, ARC 300, ARC 450, ARC 600, ARC 900, ARC 1200 and ARC 1800

Atmas bietet eine große Auswahl an ABC-Luftfiltersystemen und anderen Lösungen für Schutz-, Industrie- und Gewerbeanwendungen. Unsere fortschrittlichen, zertifizierten und kosteneffizienten Lösungen sind in Zehntausenden von Zivilschutzbunkern, Regierungs- und Industrieanlagen, privaten Bunkern und Schutzräumen sowie anderen Anwendungen auf der ganzen Welt installiert.

Wir bieten eine umfassende Auswahl an Lösungen für Einrichtungen jeder Größe, angefangen von kleinen privaten Schutzräumen bis hin zu sehr großen Großeinrichtungen für Tausende von Personen.

ARC System Main Characteristics

System Type
Airflow Filtration/Ventilation
Recommended Shelter Volume
Installation Options
Backup Options

ARC 100

100/200 m3/h

up to 100 m3



ARC 180

180/360 m3/h

up to 180 m3



ARC 240

240/480 m3/h

up to 240 m3



ARC 300

300/600 m3/h

up to 300 m3



ARC 450

450/900 m3/h

up to 450 m3



ARC 600

600/1200 m3/h

up to 600 m3



ARC 900

900/1800 m3/h

up to 900 m3



ARC 1200

1200/2400 m3/h

up to 1200 m3



ARC 1800

1800/3600 m3/h

up to 1800 m3



ARC Type Systems Main Components

  1. CBRN filter (combined carbon + HEPA filter)

  2. Electric Blower 

  3. Manual backup (optional for systems up to ARC 600) 

  4. Blast valve with prefilter

  5. Silencer + airflow indicator

  6. Airflow control damper

  7. Overpressure blast valve

Experts in Shelters & Protective Technologies - Atmas Tech

Installation Options

ARC Floor Installed Versions


Available for the following ARC systems:

  • ARC 100

  • ARC 180

  • ARC 240

  • ARC 300​

  • ARC 450

  • ARC 600

  • ARC 900

  • ARC 1200

  • ARC 1800

Experts in Shelters & Protective Technologies - Atmas Tech

ARC Floor-free (wall) Installed Versions


Available for the following ARC systems:

  • ARC 100

  • ARC 180

  • ARC 240

  • ARC 300​

  • ARC 450

  • ARC 600

Experts in Shelters & Protective Technologies - Atmas Tech

Preparation for Installation


  • Air inlet – ventilation opening in the shelter perimeter wall intended for pulling fresh air from outside. 

  • Air outlet – ventilation opening in the shelter perimeter wall intended for releasing air from the shelter. 

  • Blast valve – a protective device designed for installation on/in the air inlet for protecting the internal space and the system components from blast wave pressure.

  • Overpressure valve – a protective device designed for installation on/in the air outlet for controlled release of air from the shelter and maintenance of overpressure levels in the protected space.

  • Flange – devices for connection of air duct or valves.

Prior installation it is recommended to perform a pressure/gas tightness test to identify and treat the air leakage sources from the shelter perimeter. For proper operation of the system and creation of overpressure (positive differential pressure) inside, the shelter has to be airtight.
Overpressure helps to prevent penetration of contamination through small cracks or opening in the shelter perimeter.

Wall Sleeve with Flange for Casting into Concrete Wall

Wall sleeves are hollow pipes which are intended to be casted in shelter concrete walls for allowing passage of air from outside and inside. Wall sleeves are usually connected with flanges on the shelter side to allow simple connection of the blast valve, overpressure valve, gas tight valve, air duct, cable gas tight passages and more.​​

* wall sleeves are not included in the ARC kit and can be purchased separately. 


Retrofit Flange​ for Installation on the Air Opening of Existing Wall​

Retrofit flanges designed to allow connection of the blast valves and overpressure valves to existing walls in the perimeter of the shelter/ protected space. The flanges connected to the wall by special concrete anchors and have pre installed bolts for securing the valves with nuts.

* retrofit flanges are not included in the ARC kit and can be purchased separately.

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