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Protected Windows

Forced Entry, Bulletproof and Blast Rated Windows for various Defense, Protective, Industrial, Commercial and Private applications

Atmas offers a wide range of blast, ballistic and forced entry rated windows that can be customized according to project requirements and application it used for.
The windows are made from special composite materials and have an aesthetic look what allow to integrate them in various applications and public areas without them standing out.

Our offer Protection Solutions for Windows

Bulletproof Windows

Atmas provides a large variety of fixed, sliding, awning, tilt and other blast, ballistic, forced entry resistant and other types of protected windows.
We can offer windows which are tested and comply with various international standard requirements like American standards NIJ 010801 up to level IV, European EN-1522 up to FB7 / EN-1063 BR7 and even NATO STANAG-4569 up to Level 5.
The windows we offer are made of unique steel composites or aluminum alloys profiles which are designed to prevent bullets penetration from various angles, while maintaining a highly aesthetic appearance.
Some of the options for the windows can be a transaction window which includes a ballistic rated transaction document drawer of various types (fixed, sliding, recessed, etc...)
All the windows can be designed additionally with blast, ballistic and forced-entry combined protection.

See all our blast, ballistic, forced entry protection solutions. 

Bulletproof windows
Blast Proof Windows

Atmas offers various blast proof window types and designs which can resist very high blast pressure of up to 5 bars. Such windows can be designed also for resistance to combined threats of blast and shrapnel, ballistic and forced entry, if such required by the customer.

The frames of such blast resistant windows are manufactured from composites, steel or aluminum profiles which along with practical and aesthetic design, ensure the durability of the windows under high blasts with the highest protection levels. Windows can comply with GSA Level 1 rating for windows, in accordance with the American standard GSA TS01-2003.

Blast resistant windows
Forced-Entry Windows

Atmas offers various fixed, tilt, sliding and more designs and types of forced-entry rated windows which are tested in various opportunities according to project requirements and relevant international standards including the EN 1627 RC4 and other.

The windows are made with use of unique and proven technology from various materials which is tested together with top quality protective glass against different manual and electric burglary tools like hammers, various types of crow bars, screwdrivers, hand saws, electric discs, electric drills, various chainsaws, screwdrivers, hammers and more.

Force entry protective windows
Cable-Catch Systems

Atmas is offering a very effective solution – a cable catch system.

Glass windows on building facades are vulnerable to the blast pressure wave generated by explosion. The glass and the frame under the blast load can break and fragments can cause injuries to the people inside the building.

Cable catch system can be installed on most types of windows to protect the interior in case of blast hazards. Ideal for retrofit projects and for protecting critical infrastructure, governmental buildings, industrial facilities and more. Installed in various governmental buildings in Europe.

The principle of operation of the cable catch system is to “catch” the window as it is pushed inward by the blast pressure preventing glass and the frame parts from flying into the building. The system is installed behind the existing windows inside the building and serves as a protective barrier between the window and the internal space.

The system includes energy absorbing modules – that enable the systems to absorb the energy transferred to the window in blast attacks by controlled plastic deformation.



  • Live-tested high protection level (live-tested). Can protect from blast pressure over 40 Psi (pressure) and 150 Psi*Msec (Impulse). GSA Test Protocol: GSA-TS01-2003 level 3A

  • Cost effective

  • Aesthetic and functional design

  • Easy and quick Installation

Cable catch systems for windows
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