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Doors & Structural Openings Protection

Standard and customized protective doors, gates, hatches, windows shutters and other solutions for protection of structural openings.​

Atmas offers various standard and custom-made options with different specifications like sizes, blast, ballistic, fire and forced entry ratings, integration installation options (new construction or retrofit projects), automated or manual operation, gas tightness, metal or concrete inserts, radiation or EMP protection and more. Beside the standard line of products we offer custom design and manufacturing of products according to customers’ unique specifications.

Blast doors designed to be installed on the entrance or evacuation openings of the shelter to protect the inner space from pressure wave created by blast outside and keep the airtightness of the shelter for CBRN protection. The doors can be equipped with additional splinter protection, penetrating radiation protection, automatic hydraulic mechanisms and additional features according to project specification. 


Our offer includes doors and other elements with resistance to:

  • Blast

  • Ballistic

  • Forced Entry

  • Security

  • EMP

  • Fire


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Our Selection of Doors and Solutions for Protection of Structural Openings

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Protective Doors for Shelters, Bunkers and Protected Spaces

Heavy duty blast resistant, splinter protected and gas tight doors for shelters and protected spaces, which comply with various international civil defence and protection standards and technical norms.

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Specially designed protective large hinged or sliding gates for civil defence shelters, protected facilities, storage of dangerous materials and explosives and more.

Ballistic roller shutters

Ballistic and Forced entry  Resistant Roller Shutters

Bulletproof and Forced Entry Protected Roller Shutters for various Security, Industrial, Commercial and other Applications.

Blast doors in shelter airlock

Blast Valves and Dampers for Ventilation Openings and Ways 

Blast, Overpressure and Gastight Valves for Shelters, Protected Spaces and Industrial Ventilation and Air Filtration Systems

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Special Blast, Ballistic, Forced Entry and Fire Rated Doors 

We offer a customized design for shelter doors with various combined protection options according to customer specifications. The doors can combine blast, ballistic, forced entry, EMP, fire resistance and more.

Windows blast shutters

Blast Resistant Shutters and Gas Tight Windows

Blast and splinter resistant window shutters and gas tight windows for shelters and protected spaces.

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Standard and custom designed doors. Bulletproof walls and doors manufactured in according with requirements of standard EN 1522 (for example FB 4 NS, FB 4+ NS, FB 6 NS and others)

Security Doors comply with European standard for security EN 1627.

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Forced Entry, Bulletproof and Blast Rated Windows for various Defense, Protective, Industrial, Commercial and Private applications.

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Blast and Gas Tight Hatches for Shelters and Bunkers 

Shelter top or side opening hatches with blast and gas tight resistance as well as optional addition of armour plates for ballistic resistance for shelters and evacuation tunnels of protected spaces.


Radiation Protection Doors

Special customized radiation protection shielded doors for shelters, medical facilities and industry. 

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Custom designed protective doors, gates and protective walls for various facilities.

Fireproof Metal & Doors Glass Doors (EI30, EI60, EI90, EI120, EI180)

Can be combined with security, blast and ballistic features

Radiation restriction option can be added

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